Kundalini Yoga

What is Kundalini Yoga?


Who wants to try and to discover this ancient sacral yoga art, to feel cheerful, centered, stable, calm, happy, blessed, confident and balanced?

Kundalini Yoga (KY) was introduced to the Western world in the early 70s XX century as a yoga of consiousness, as a powerful transformational tool, that awakens our inner power, our creative Kundalini energy located at the base of the spine (Kundal from Sanskrit means a “coiled energy”) and initiate its rise through all chakras so that we realize our own potential and start to live to the full. We increase our self-awareness, clean our subconsious mind, cultivate the inner silence state, change our old habbits and behaviour patterns that dont serve us any longer.

“Like a snake, you will need to shed old skins to be more of who you are.” 

While practicing KY we have a continious self-development and personal growth, as we practice , we unblock the chakras and let the energy flow freely.

How does the standard KY class look like?

Start your day with a recharging Kundalini Yoga (KY) class, that includes asanas, warm-up exercises, different breathing techniques, mantras chanting and meditations – you will see how peaceful, clear and happy your life may become. you will increase your stamina and endurance, you will improve your immune system and your health.

During the KY class we do special kriyas (exercises sets) for the inner balance, life energy, beautiful and flexible body, strong aura, positive mental projetion, stronger nervous system, balanced glandular system, intuition, confidence, prosperity, better relations with yourself and people around and realization of your full potential!

I am practicing KY as well as Sat Nam Rasayan – an ancient meditative healing art of KY – to feel the emotional actual state of mind of the students group and choose an appropriate kriya/ meditation to contribute to a deeper relaxation and peaceful state of mind during the class.

Everyone is welcome!!

1,5 hour of yoga practicing and you will change your life for the better!)

The class is for all levels. No special skills or yoga experience is required.

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